UNLEASH Greenland now open for applications

Between the 20th and 27th of august 2022, UNLEASH will host a Regional Innovation Lab in Nuuk, Greenland! Here, 200 young talents between the ages 18-35 will be gathered from the Arctic-Nordic Regions. You will be able to develop innovative solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the help of experienced facilitators and experts from across the region. Apart from that, you will work in teams to achieve your goals!

UNLEASH is an organization founded in 2016. Their aim is to develop solutions to the SDGs and building the capabilities of young people from around the world. Another one of their aims is to create a better and more sustainable world, by arming global talents with the vision and drive required to disrupt conventional solutions. By doing so, they also support the development of next generation ideas, and partner talents with individuals, companies, NGOs, government agencies, investors, and foundations that are at the forefront of innovation and global development.

A Regional Innovation Lab

Applications for the Regional Innovation Lab in Nuuk, Greenland ends on the 22nd of April 2022.

With a local focus, participants of this lab will have an opportunity to work with some of the most pressing sustainability challenges, that the Arctic-Nordic Regions face. This Lab will be a weeklong arrangement. There the young talents will be able to receive mentoring, so that they’ll be able to frame problems and develop early-stage prototype solutions for the chosen themes. The themes are built around these SDGs:

SDG3 – Good Health and Well-being:Here, innovative solutions at the Lab could focus on telemedicine and other remote healthcare solutions. Addressing chronic and non-communicable diseases in the region and ensuring lifelong positive habits among young people and children, as well as addressing mental health challenges and stigma”.

SDG4 – Quality Education:Here, innovative solutions at the Lab could focus on ensuring equal access to quality education, regardless of geographical location and background, enabling lifelong learning and upskilling to adapt to changing circumstances. Or building an inclusive educational system”.

SDG13, 14 & 15 – Biodiversity and Climate change: Here, innovative solutions at the Lab could focus on preventing and reducing the current loss of biodiversity, ensuring sustainable food systems and fisheries, sustainable tourism and infrastructure, waste management, renewable energy, and circular economy”.

What should you know?

You can read about more details on UNLEASH Greenlands FAQ site, if you are interested.

– This arrangement will be held in English. But the managers of UNLEASH Greenland will make sure, that there are people around, who will be able to speak Greenlandic, Danish, and English, to ensure, that there will be help and translators if needed. Apart from that, there will be some brush-up English courses before the Lab starts, in case some might need it. Details about the brush-up courses will be explained on a later date through UNLEASH Greenlands website.

UNLEASH Greenland will cover the costs of flight travel, visa (if needed), transport within Nuuk, board and lodging, and program activities for the entire event. But participants will be asked to pay a participation fee of 150 USD (ca. 1.016 DKK). This is to ensure that participants stay during the whole event, as well as to make sure that participants don’t suddenly drop out, and thus wasting a spot that someone else could have had. If needed, participants can ask for exemption from the participation fee during the application. This is only to be used if you are unable to pay the fee.

You can only apply individually. But you will be put in teams dependent on your interests and profile.

– If you have any other questions about the Innovation Lab in Greenland, then you are welcome to write to greenland@unleash.org.

If you want to read more about UNLEASH Greenland and stay up to date on their events, you can follow them on these platforms: Facebook, InstagramLinkedIn and Twitter. You can also check out their website.

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