Application deadlines for summer and autumn 2023 has been changed

Deadline for applications for 100.000-200.000 DKK is extended to October 15th

The deadline for applications between 100.000 and 200.000 DKK is extend till October 15th. As the applications will be assessed by NAPA’s Board. You can expect a response after November 11.

No application deadline in July

NAPAs has monthly deadline for smaller applications the 15th every month. Due to holidays there will not be an application deadline in July. If your project is supposed to start in August or September, we recommend sending your application of up to 99.999 DKK no later than June 15th. 

Click here to read more about NAPA’s Cultural Funding Programme.

If you have questions or need help with your application, you are welcome to contact NAPA at or advisor Pauliina Oinonen at / +299 52 02 79.



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