17 arktiske samarbejdsprojekter finansieret indtil videre

Arktisk Samarbejdsprogram, administreret af NAPA, Nordens Institut i Grønland og Ilisimatusarfik, Grønlands Universitet, har indtil videre bevilget midler til 17 projekter i år med et samlet beløb på 7 mio. DKK.

Arktisk Samarbejdsprogram har til formål at fremme nordisk samarbejde i Arktis og bidrage til øget viden om miljø, økonomi og sociale forhold i regionen. For at modtage støtte skal partnere på tværs af Arktis og Norden præsentere projekter til forbedring af den arktiske region med fokus på:

– Planeten/miljøet (Planet)

– Befolkningen (Peoples)

– Vækst og velstand (Prosperity)

Samt særskilt fokus på at facilitere udvikling gennem samarbejde og partnerskab (Partnerships)

Indtil videre er følgende projekter godkendt til støtte fra Arktisk Samarbejdsprogram i år:




Lande involveret 

Enhancing Nordic Geological Mapping of the Seabed (ENIGMAS) 

Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Iceland 

Iceland (leading partner), Norway, Faroe Islands, Denmark 


Seaweed Resource for Harvest in Greenland (SeaRcH) 


Universityof Aarhus, Denmark 

Denmark, Greenland, Norway, Faroe Islands 

The Ikaite columns – past and future, and prospects in a changing Arctic 


Jarvik GeoConsulting, Sweden 

Sweden, Greenland, Denmark, United Kingdom, Iceland 

Sisters in the Arctic Blue Network – Third year 


Natural Resources Institute, Finland (LUKE) 

Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden 

Making knowledge accessible to the circumpolar community: production of a podcast series on indigenous knowledge sharing and research in the Circumpolar Maternal and Child Health group 

National Institute of Public Health, Denmark  

Denmark, Norway, Canada, Greenland 

Arctic Healthy Aging communities: Safe and inclusive outdoor environment and public spaces (The Nordic AHA-Communities 

University of Oulu, Finland 

Finland, Iceland, Sweden 

Infrastructural deprivation in the Arctic 

Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland 

Greenland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark 


Arctic Peoples’ Conference – A 50th Commemoration 


Inuit Circumpolar Council Greenland 

Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Finland 

Seals, Stigma and Survival: Finding Solutions to the EU Stigmatization of Seal Hunting 


University of Southern Denmark 

Denmark, Finland, Norway, Canada 

The unseen life in soils at Disko Island under climate change 


University of Gothenburg 

Sweden, Denmark, Greenland 

A sustainable local tourism and food experience 


New Arctic Kitchen C/O Made of Tales, Denmark 

Denmark, Norway, Åland, Greenland 

The Sustainability Portrait Project – Art, location, and social responsibility for sustainable development in the Arctic 


Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland 

Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark 

“Your Story – Our Future” – Defining Arctic Leadership 


Old Friends Industries/ v Jens Larsen, Denmark 

Denmark, Greenland, Norway, Germany 

Genetic diversity of fish species in the Arctic ecosystem 


University of the Faroe Islands 

Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, Denmark 

Natur for alle 

Handicaptalsmanden Tilioq, Sisimiut 


Greenland, Norway, Denmark 

CBMP Terrestrial Scoping Process 


CAFF International Secretariat 


Denmark, Finland, Canada, USA 

Underwater Noise in the Arctic: Understanding Impacts and Defining Management Solutions – Phase II 


The Arctic Council – PAME working group 

Iceland, Norway,Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Sweden, USA, Canada 


Alle ansøgere har fået besked om status for deres ansøgning. Hvis du stadig ikke har modtaget nyt på din ansøgning, er du velkommen til at kontakte NAPA på napa@napa.gl.



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