What is family – what is the Nordic region?
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Storytelling project anchors UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in the Nordic region – and you can participate
Nordic Nature Narratives focuses on people’s stories and examines views of nature across generations and cultures in the Nordic region. The project takes place in Greenland, northern Norway and Denmark in the period 2021-2022. By learning about the impact of nature on our lives and

NAPA meets children and young people in Disko Bay
NAPA travels to Disko Bay in the period from June 3 to June 18, 2021. NAPA will meet with children and young people as well as teachers to talk about their Nordic opportunities and do dream workshops at some of the schools in the towns

17 Arctic co-operation projects funded so far
The Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme, administered by NAPA and Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland, has so far granted funding to 17 projects this year with a total amount of 7 mio. DKK. The Programme aims to promote Nordic co-operation in the Arctic and contribute to increased

Greenlandic applicants to Nordjobb have doubled
A hefty ad campaign by NAPA has borne fruit. Nordjobb is an offer for young adults living in the Nordic countries to go to one of the other Nordic countries on a work stay. While there are approximately 80-90 young adults who go to Greenland