NAPA welcomes new employees
NAPA welcomes their new advisor Nina Paninnguaq Skydsbjerg and intern in communication Maasi Brøns Chemnitz
NAPA is happy to announce that we have hired Nina Paninnguaq Skydsbjerg as the new advisor in NAPA. NAPA received 23 applications for the position and Nina Paninnguaq Skydsbjerg was chosen among several strong, Greenlandic competitors.
As the advisor, Nina Paninnguaq Skydsbjerg will be working with applications for NAPA’s Cultural Support Program as well as other Nordic support options. Nina Paninnguaq will be working with citizens, including children, youths and adults, in need of advice about applying for cultural projects.
NAPA is pleased to employ Nina, who as an experienced film producer with her own production company has stood on the other side as an applicant for the Cultural Support Program, among other things.
Maasi Chemnitz will be interning in communication for six months in NAPA as part of his studies in journalism. Maasi will be working with different assignments in communication, including writing NAPA’s Good Stories, news articles, press releases and SoME, as well as communications in Info-Norden.
He has previously participated in NAPA’s ALLATTA writing workshop and writers’ competition for young adults, and NAPA looks forward to his assistance in the launch of a new version of ALLATTA in a West-Nordic perspective.
“We are pleased to welcome our new employees and look forward to working with Nina Paninnguaq Skydsbjerg and Maasi Chemnitz”, Anne Mette Gangsøy says.
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