Greenlandic applicants to Nordjobb have doubled

A hefty ad campaign by NAPA has borne fruit.

Nordjobb is an offer for young adults living in the Nordic countries to go to one of the other Nordic countries on a work stay.

While there are approximately 80-90 young adults who go to Greenland on such a stay every year, the Greenlandic participation is less extensive.

On average, the Greenlandic applicants are five to six.

This year, NAPA has been advertising about the many resources and possibilities that are offered through the Nordic Council of Ministers, among other things Nordjobb and Info Norden.

For example, NAPA has travelled in South Greenland, to Tasiilaq and Sismiut and in the Disko Bay area to promote, which is an online platform with teaching materials in all the Nordic languages, and in that connection also presented the option to apply to Nordjobb.

With the result that 11 Greenlandic young adults have applied to go to another Nordic country on a work stay.

NAPA views this development as a success and hopes that there will be even more applicants in the future.

Apart from the trip to the Disko Bay area this summer, NAPA has had representatives travelling to North Greenland, during which the communications department has visited no less than 12 towns and settlements between Nuuk and Kullorsuaq.


About Nordjobb
Nordjobb is an offer for young adults between the ages 18-30 to go on a work stay for a season, for example during the summer holidays, in another Nordic country.

The offer applies to all young adults living in one of the Nordic countries; Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands and Åland Islands.

On you can find further information about the job options in the different countries.


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