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Application module for Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme launched!

NAPA and Ilisimatusarfik have launched the website and the application module for the Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme, after Greenland took over responsibility for the management of the pool. Thus, projects focusing on sustainable development in the Arctic can now look forward to the opportunity to apply for the pool.

Since the final decision on Greenland taking over the management of the Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme on 2 November, NAPA and Ilisimatusarfik have been working hard to complete the website and the application module.

It is therefore with great satisfaction, and a degree of excitement, that they now announce that both will be launched today, December 1st. The launch takes place 2.5 months before the application deadline for the pool, 15 February.

NAPA and Ilisimatusarfik look forward to the close cooperation they will have in connection with the management of the pool, including receiving and evaluating the applications before the final decision on funding is made by the Nordic Advisory Committee on the Arctic.

You can find the website under NAPA’s own website.

The application module for the Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme can be found here.

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