17 arktiske samarbejdsprojekter finansieret indtil videre
Arktisk Samarbejdsprogram, administreret af NAPA, Nordens Institut i Grønland og Ilisimatusarfik, Grønlands Universitet, har indtil videre bevilget midler til 17 projekter i år med et samlet beløb på 7 mio. DKK.
Arktisk Samarbejdsprogram har til formål at fremme nordisk samarbejde i Arktis og bidrage til øget viden om miljø, økonomi og sociale forhold i regionen. For at modtage støtte skal partnere på tværs af Arktis og Norden præsentere projekter til forbedring af den arktiske region med fokus på:
– Planeten/miljøet (Planet)
– Befolkningen (Peoples)
– Vækst og velstand (Prosperity)
Samt særskilt fokus på at facilitere udvikling gennem samarbejde og partnerskab (Partnerships)
Indtil videre er følgende projekter godkendt til støtte fra Arktisk Samarbejdsprogram i år:
Titel |
Hovedpartner |
Lande involveret |
Enhancing Nordic Geological Mapping of the Seabed (ENIGMAS) |
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Iceland |
Iceland (leading partner), Norway, Faroe Islands, Denmark
Seaweed Resource for Harvest in Greenland (SeaRcH)
University of Aarhus, Denmark |
Denmark, Greenland, Norway, Faroe Islands |
The Ikaite columns – past and future, and prospects in a changing Arctic
Jarvik GeoConsulting, Sweden |
Sweden, Greenland, Denmark, United Kingdom, Iceland |
Sisters in the Arctic Blue Network – Third year
Natural Resources Institute, Finland (LUKE) |
Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden |
Making knowledge accessible to the circumpolar community: production of a podcast series on indigenous knowledge sharing and research in the Circumpolar Maternal and Child Health group |
National Institute of Public Health, Denmark |
Denmark, Norway, Canada, Greenland |
Arctic Healthy Aging communities: Safe and inclusive outdoor environment and public spaces (The Nordic AHA-Communities |
University of Oulu, Finland |
Finland, Iceland, Sweden |
Infrastructural deprivation in the Arctic |
Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland |
Greenland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark
Arctic Peoples’ Conference – A 50th Commemoration
Inuit Circumpolar Council Greenland |
Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Finland |
Seals, Stigma and Survival: Finding Solutions to the EU Stigmatization of Seal Hunting
University of Southern Denmark |
Denmark, Finland, Norway, Canada |
The unseen life in soils at Disko Island under climate change
University of Gothenburg |
Sweden, Denmark, Greenland |
A sustainable local tourism and food experience
New Arctic Kitchen C/O Made of Tales, Denmark |
Denmark, Norway, Åland, Greenland |
The Sustainability Portrait Project – Art, location, and social responsibility for sustainable development in the Arctic
Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland |
Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark |
“Your Story – Our Future” – Defining Arctic Leadership
Old Friends Industries/ v Jens Larsen, Denmark |
Denmark, Greenland, Norway, Germany |
Genetic diversity of fish species in the Arctic ecosystem
University of the Faroe Islands |
Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, Denmark |
Natur for alle |
Handicaptalsmanden Tilioq, Sisimiut
Greenland, Norway, Denmark |
CBMP Terrestrial Scoping Process
CAFF International Secretariat |
Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Canada, USA |
Underwater Noise in the Arctic: Understanding Impacts and Defining Management Solutions – Phase II
The Arctic Council – PAME working group |
Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Sweden, USA, Canada |
Alle ansøgere har fået besked om status for deres ansøgning. Hvis du stadig ikke har modtaget nyt på din ansøgning, er du velkommen til at kontakte NAPA på napa@napa.gl.
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