Nordiske Naturfortællinger © pixabay

Storytelling project anchors UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in the Nordic region – and you can participate

Nordic Nature Narratives focuses on people’s stories and examines views of nature across generations and cultures in the Nordic region. The project takes place in Greenland, northern Norway and Denmark in the period 2021-2022. By learning about the impact of nature on our lives and sustainable development, the project contributes to the implementation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Nature is part of the Nordic identity, and the view of nature plays a role in sustainable development. Through creative workshops focusing on people’s stories, the project maps the view of nature across generations and cultures in the Nordic region. The stories will be spread digitally in the Nordic countries via podcasts and finally gathered in a book.

The project embraces different views of nature, from the Inuit culture in the west to the Sami culture in the east; from Northern Jutland, which is influenced by the forces of nature, to the importance of nature among people in a metropolis like Copenhagen. At the same time, the project provides insight into how the view of nature has changed over generations.

Do you want to share your story?
16 people – Greenlanders and newcomers from Nordic countries – aged 16 to 80+ are invited to participate in the workshop, which takes place in Nuuk in September. If you are curious, you can contact Eva Ritter at or read more here (in Danish).

The team behind the storytelling project is Eva Ritter (head of Nordic Info, M.A. Education and Sustainability) and Jens Larsen (author and co-founder of the Nordic School of Arts and Health). Together with NAPA, which has supported the project, they create a workshop in Nuuk, that concludes with a performance in Katuaq, the cultural house in Nuuk. It happens on West Nordic Day, the 23rd September 2021.

What does nature mean to you?
What have you experienced in nature?

Click here to read (in Danish) about how to participate with your story and listen to others!

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