The Lost Norsemen
The Lost Norsemen: Meet the northerners – the Greenlandic Vikings
Other news
Creative Business Academy International Weekend cancelled
It is with great regret that we announce that we unfortunately must cancel NAPA’s international event, Creative Business Academy International Mentor Weekend, which was scheduled for the end of April. The unfortunate reason for the cancellation is that we simply do not have sufficient resources
A dramatic look into Greenlands history
In January, The Royal Theater in Copenhagen gave the stage to Greenland, as they showed the world premiere of the play “Præsten og åndemaneren” (The priest and the shaman), written by the Greenlandic Makka Kleist. The play brought a dramatic and insightful look into the
Application module for Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme launched!
NAPA and Ilisimatusarfik have launched the website and the application module for the Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme, after Greenland took over responsibility for the management of the pool. Thus, projects focusing on sustainable development in the Arctic can now look forward to the opportunity to
The theatre performance Tarnima Nammatai is now touring Greenland
In the spring of 2021, the theatre company freezeProductions produced the performance Tarnima Nammatai with financial support from Socialstyrelsen, Statens Kunstfond, NAPAs cultural support programme, Katuaq, Aarhus Municipality, Nunafonden and Nuuk local committee. The performance toured with great success in South Greenland and is now