Wake up with NAPA

On the first Friday of each month, we invite you to wake up with NAPA. It is a cozy and non-committal breakfast salon for anyone who passes by. Each time we present a cultural guest who talks about a current topic.

The idea is to create an informal environment in which you can meet other artists and cultural actors, get sparring and inspiration for projects, applications or other things, give input to other people’s upcoming projects and eat breakfast while learning something new.

The program is fixed and always looks like this:
08.30: We offer breakfast
09.00: Presentation round
09.10: Presentation from a cultural actor
09.30: Questions and free talk
10.00: Thank you for today – off to work with you

Cultural guests in 2020 have included singer Zika – Ida Kleist, head of the secretariat for the Gender Equality Council in Greenland Inge Olsvig Brandt and author and musician Juuaka Lyberth.

(N)ORD podcast
(N)ORD podcast

(N)ORD is our own podcast about words and languages in the Nordic countries. We want to contribute to the knowledge of Nordic languages, to make us all better at speaking together across Nordic borders and cultures.

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Nordiske glasflag i sneen
Greenlandic talks in the North

Greenlandic talks in the North – Streaming Podcasts Debates As NAPA has entered into a partnership agreement with the Nordic Culture Fund, we have started a new project! The partnership agreement is a trans-Nordic partnership for holding cultural policy network meetings between 2022 – 2024.

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Creative Business Academy Greenland

Creative Business Academy Greenland Greenland’s economy is almost exclusively based on fish and shellfish. This makes the economy vulnerable and limits young people’s career choices. On the other hand, Greenland has a rich cultural life with international potential in both music, performing arts, fashion, film

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