More than dollars and cents

Nuuk International Film Festival ended on September 18 after four days of entertainment through feature films and shorts from all around the world. For Industry Director Emile Hertling Péronard it is also a guarantee that he returns to Nuuk at least once a year.

For the second time, since COVID-19 developed into a pandemic, Nuuk International Film Festival (NIFF) has been carried out with the insecurity whether it was shut down before reaching the goal.

And the goal has been reached – both in 2020 and this year – the festival has made it through the whole program. The film programme, heavily characterised by innovation, has contained a wide range of categories, including the Nordic Programme, which NAPA has been a part of.

-For the festival, the support from NAPA is more than dollars and cents. It is a partnership, in which we show a Nordic programme with an associated reception, and that collaboration is something that underlines our gratuity for the support from NAPA and at the same time it creates awareness about NAPA as a funding opportunity, Emile Hertling Péronard says.

For NIFF it is not just a question of the size of the funds, when considering the contributors’ support. Katuaq for example takes a very significant and central role as the house in which most of the festival’s events happen. In the same way, NAPA is an especially important partner, because it comes with both funding and a co-planned event in the shape of the Nordic programme and reception.


NAPA: the Nordic reception is a way to connect

For NAPA, the collaboration with NIFF is a doorway to connect with cultural actors, both local and international.

-The reception is an obvious opportunity for strengthening relations to all those who participate in the festival. Not only local culture actors are present, but we also have actors from the whole Nordic region. Therefore, it is important for NAPA to have the chance to create contact between the actors, but also that we have a platform to inform about ourselves and share our perspectives, CEO of NAPA, Anne Mette Gangsøy says.

It is NAPA’s ambition that arctic perspectives are seen and acknowledged in the whole Nordic region, and therefore it is also important to create the widest possible network.

-There exists a long tradition for storytelling, and particularly films are a medium to capture the attention of the audience. And through the stories that are told, different cultures get to know each other better, and we share our perspectives across the whole world, the CEO of NAPA adds.


NAPA has supported Nuuk International Film Festival several times.

The next film festival will happen in 2022, from September 14 to the 17th.


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