The next application deadline will be march 17 - more information will follow on this page

Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme

Thank you for all the applications for the 2024 call!
The next application deadline will be march 17 – more information will follow on this page.

Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme aims to support projects by individuals, organizations and other groups for the benefit of sustainable development in the Arctic. Through innovative and sustainable projects that focus on solutions to current challenges that apply in the Arctic region.

Projects must be based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and relate to the four P’s: PLANET, PEOPLE, PROSPERITY and PARTNERSHIPS. See more under criteria for support.

To ensure that a project is anchored in both the Arctic and the Nordic countries, there must always be partners from minimum three Nordic countries in a co-operation project. That is, from Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, the Faroe Islands or Åland. 

Partners can also be supplemented with one or more Arctic partners outside the Nordic region (Arctic states included in the Arctic Council), as long as the leading partner is from one of the Nordic countries.

The purpose of the programme is to contribute to the Nordic Council of Ministers’: Our Vision 2030. The vision is for the Nordic region to be the world’s most sustainable and integrated region by 2030.

The aim of the programme is to promote Nordic co-operation in the Arctic and contribute to increased knowledge about the Arctic environment, economy and social conditions.

With the programme, the idea is to achieve Nordic and Arctic partnerships that can contribute to concrete solutions to current challenges and needs in the Arctic. There is a clear focus on creating and operating networks and meeting places that can help strengthen mobility, integration and exchange of experience.

Grants are for up to 500,000 DKK per year over a period of maximum three years. It is thus possible to establish long-term collaborative projects and networks.


In 2021, NAPA has taken over the administration of Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme. Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland, will assess and grant applications. Read more about the background for Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme “A Sustainable Arctic”.

Webinar from January 9 2024

Do you want to know more or have any questions? Watch the recording from this webinar on Nordic Arctic Co-operation Programme.