Organization and application process

The Ministers for Co-operation in the Nordic Council of Ministers (MR-SAM) have overall responsibility for the programme, while the Nordic Advisory Committee for the Arctic (NRKA) is responsible for granting project support on the basis of a recommendation from the secretariat.

The secretariat is divided between NAPA – Nordic Institute in Greenland (administration and consulting) and Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland (professional assessment of applications). 

  1. The application is submitted in the digital application system at NAPA. Only digital applications are processed. It is not possible to submit an application by e-mail. A final answer can be expected within six months.
  2. The application is assessed by an evaluation group from Ilisimatusarfik, which prepares written evaluations on the basis of relevant professional competencies within the subject.
  3. The application is submitted to NRKA, which grants support (NRKA grants applications once a year).
  4. Granted projects will receive a grant letter in “MY PAGE” in the application system. Applicant must accept the grant before payment can take place.
  5. Grants are paid out in installments:
    • Upon signing the contract, 60% is paid
    • For submitted reports, the remaining 40% is paid out, 60% is paid outright
    • For multi-year projects, an annual application must be re-applied for and an annual report must be submitted. The project can be a maximum of 3 years
  1. Reporting must take place no later than 3 months after the project is completed. Projects that run over several years must submit an interim report each year.
Professional assessment of applications

Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland puts together an evaluation group with a broad, professional knowledge of the Arctic area consisting of:

  • Six researchers with a PhD degree who together, as a minimum, cover the following Arctic research areas:
    1. Arctic cultural and linguistic research
    2. Arctic scientific research, including health and climate research
    3. Arctic economic and social science research
    4. Arctic engineering and technology research
  • Four non-researchers who together, as a minimum, cover the following areas:
    1. Arctic business and entrepreneurship
    2. The Arctic Cultural Area
    3. Finance and project management

A person is able to cover several of the above areas, in both research and non-research.

Evaluation group


  • Anne Merrild Hansen
  • Aviaja Hauptmann
  • Gestur Hovgaard
  • Aili Lage Labansen
  • Christian Koch Madsen
  • Lars Poort

Representatives of the society and business world:

  • Naleraq Eugenius
  • Arnakkuluk Kleist
  • Jakob Nitter