(N)ORD podcast
(N)ORD is our own podcast about words and languages in the Nordic countries. We want to contribute to the knowledge of Nordic languages, to make us all better at speaking together across Nordic borders and cultures.
(N)ORD is NAPA’s own podcast focusing on languages in the Nordic discovering, investigating, and exploring languages used across borders and cultures in the Nordic community.
There are 27 million people living in the Nordic countries, who together speak eight different languages. Some speak one Nordic language, others know several, but common to a large part of the Nordic population is that we understand each other’s languages.
In (N)ORD, we take a trip around the Nordic region to meet language users, language enthusiasts and language experts. We record regularly in several Nordic countries and with many Nordic language users.
With the podcast, we want Nordic languages and voices to be listened to throughout the Nordic region, and for people to be less afraid to listen to the Nordic languages they do not know. That is why the podcast is in Scandinavian – ie. Danish, Swedish and Norwegian.
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Episode 1: Can you forget your mother tongue?
The first episode of (N)ORD is about learning a new Nordic language in addition to your mother tongue. It is about how difficult it can be to preserve one’s mother tongue when not in use in everyday life. And it is about the emotions that are at stake when it suddenly becomes a struggle to express oneself in one’s own mother tongue. What we are looking for answers to is: Can one forget one’s mother tongue? Pauliina Oinonen, Ivalu Rosing and Lena Ósk participate in the broadcast.
Episode 2: Is Greenlandic the world’s most difficult language?
In the second episode of (N)ORD, we examine whether Greenlandic is the world’s most difficult language. We meet two Greenlandic women who have both worked in Nordic co-operation and we let the experts decide whether Greenlandic is the most difficult language in the world.
The participants are Bula Larsen, Najâraq Egede, Rolf Theil and Per Langgård.
Episode 3: Can an Icelander understand Faroese?
In the third episode of (N)ORD, we dive into Icelandic and Faroese on the occasion of West Nordic Day 2020. We look at purism and why Icelanders and Faroese do not uncritically include loanwords in their language, but prefer to form new words. And then we test how much the two peoples understand each other.
The participants are Jensia Højgaard Dam Davidsen, Snæfríð Egilson and Ann-Sofie Gremaud.
Episode 4: What is your favourite Greenlandic word?
I the fourth episode of (N)ORD we share recordings from the music festival Arctic Sounds in Sisimiut. We hear six youths in the West Greenlandic town reflect upon mother tongue, being bi-lingual, body language, and their favourite Greenlandic words.
The youths are students at Serravik, the Music School in Sisimiut: Nanna, Iluuna and Apia. And some of the hardworking volunteers at the festival: Laura Lennert Jensen, Kimmernaq K. Heilmann and Salik Parbst Frederiksen.
(N)ORD is our own podcast about words and languages in the Nordic countries. We want to contribute to the knowledge of Nordic languages, to make us all better at speaking together across Nordic borders and cultures.
Greenlandic talks in the North – Streaming Podcasts Debates As NAPA has entered into a partnership agreement with the Nordic Culture Fund, we have started a new project! The partnership agreement is a trans-Nordic partnership for holding cultural policy network meetings between 2022 – 2024.