Nuuk Nordic Cultural Festival

Nuuk Nordic Culture Festival is a week-long celebration of art and culture in all its forms – far from the heart of the Nordic region, but close to the heart of Nordic co-operation. Since 2015 Nuuk Nordic Culture Festival has helped to set the standard for how far art and culture can go within Nordic co-operation.

The fourth arranged Nuuk Nordic Cultural Festival in history was well completed after four creative and festive days in Greenlands capital, with music, dancing, theater, visual art, and much more. It has been a long and dark time for the cultural life, during these past years, but the Nuuk Nordic Cultural Festival 2021, ended at the right time, and in the right way, when we weren’t buckled up by the large restrictions of that time. That is why, it became a festival, that taught us a lot of new things, and has been an important step for the path of the festival.

During NNK ’21, there were a total of 97 greenlandic artists, as well as 70 artists from the rest of the Nordic regions present.

During a week, Nuuk Nordic Culture Festival presents different cultural events within various different art genres. The audience can experience music, performing arts, visual arts, seminars, exhibitions, literature, workshops, talks and much more.

Greenland is the Nordic region’s window to the Arctic. The physical placement puts the world’s largest island in quite the place, where marvelous and wonderful things happen – and where amazing art rises.

The festival’s core values are:
● Nordic co-operation
● Participant culture
● Co-creation

The next time Nuuk Nordic Culture Festival kicks off, it will be something new, as it will be arranged for early summer instead!

By that time, the snow has melted and the heat is on its way. The light lasts a long time, and it is felt in the mood of the city; Nuuk buzzes with life.

We look forward to this time bringing the festival to a time when we are not challenged by snowstorms that delay air traffic and threaten spontaneous power outages.

The more stable and calm summer weather can even provide an opportunity for more experiences for the many guests who come from outside, when artists and actors from all over the Nordics and the rest of the world come to Nuuk to share knowledge and experience with the local actors.

The next arrangement of the festival will take place during the 25th and 28th of May 2023.

NAPA will be the main responsible party for the festival of 2023.

The festival is owned by Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq and NAPA, and we take turns arranging the festival. It works closely with many of Nuuk’s cultural institutions, including: the Katuaq Culture House, The National Theatre of Greenland, Nuuk Art Museum, The National Library of Greenland, Nuuk Local Museum, Greenland National Museum and many more.

Read more about Nuuk Nordic Culture Festival at

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