NAPA in Sisimiut

Sisimiut is a city on the west-coast of Greenland, with approximately 5.500 inhabitants. The city is home to one out of four of Greenlands high schools, and higher educations under KTI and DTU. That is what makes it a young city, buzzing with life and culture.


Sisimiut has a lot to offer within cultural aspects, with places such as the music school, visual arts school, and the culture center. That is why, that it was an obvious choice to visit the city, talk with the young people, and meet with the cultural actors.

At the school

In November 2020, all of NAPA went to Sisimiut, where we got to hold a presentation about future dreams for all of the older classes in Nalunnguarfiup Atuarfia, and where we got to test our patience when it came to technical stuff, and try to keep the attention of 90 teenagers. But the youngsters where surprisingly indulgent with our fumbling, and participated committedly through the presentation.

Billeder fra Drømmeworkshop i Sisimiut udstillet på NAPAs kontor i Nuuk
The culture center and dream workshop

The culture center, Taseralik, forms the frame for many of the cultural activities in the city – for example, we went to an Open Stage friday night, where anyone could take to the stage and sing.

Apart from that, the culture center often gives room for exciting exhibitions by greenlandic artists, and while we were in the city, Taseralik gave room for our Dream workshop with Gudrun Hasle.

During a sunday afternoon, an approximate of 25 young people came around and joined in to paint their dreams in a variety of blue shades. The artworks are, to this day, hanging in NAPAs office in Nuuk. Se the picture below.

Børn og unges kunstværker fra workshop i Sisimiut
NAPA throughout Greenland

There are not enough people in Greenland who know about NAPA and the possibilities in Nordic co-operation. That is why we have chosen to use our travel budget internally in Greenland this autumn, to get to know cultural actors, both young and old, throughout Greenland.

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Whom have we reached:

Schools: 17

Students: 346

Teachers: 118

Cultural actors: 17

Tamassa: 39

Cities and settlements: 36/71

The number of cities and settlements were found on Statistics Greenland.

Photo by Reinhard Pantke - Visit Greenland